An Assessment and Analysis of Major Risks in Construction Projects


  • K. Jayasudha Annamalai University
  • B. Vidivelli


Risk Management, Questionnaire, SPSS


Construction project planning is an essential element in the management and execution of construction projects which involves the definition of work tasks and their interactions, as well as the assessment of required resources and expected activity durations. The study, therefore, examined the awareness of professionals in construction industry of the various types of planning techniques and tools used on construction sites, Questionnaires were administered on selected building professionals (Project Managers, Engineers, Architects), and Contractors and Sub-contractors directly involved in construction work on sites in Lagos State with emphasis placed on planning and the use of planning tools and techniques as major tools for successful project execution. The data obtained were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientist for Windows (SPSS), and the results were presented by the use of statistical tools such as frequency tables and pie charts. The study shows that there is low awareness on the functional use of construction planning tools and techniques, and recommended that the use of the construction planning tools and techniques should be applied in all building projects and there should be regular adequate training of professionals on the effectiveness and improvement in Information Technology in the construction industry especially in project planning and execution.


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How to Cite

An Assessment and Analysis of Major Risks in Construction Projects. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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