The Effectiveness of Utilising Modern Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Initiatives to Combat COVID-19 in South Korea: A Narrative Review
Artificial Intelligence, COVID-19, Coronaviruses, Pandemic, South Korea, MedicineAbstract
All nations are facing significant challenges and difficulties in the face of an intense pandemic that controls human life, and many things have changed in life, which led to the doubling of the global economy and the difficulty of life for many of the world's inhabitants. At present, the nations are seeking to control the spread of the epidemic in them, as every country uses plans to prevent this pandemic. This article presents South Korea's experience in employing modern artificial intelligence techniques in facing COVID-19. Besides, the use of artificial intelligence techniques and their great role in analysing images of people with COVID-19 disease are discussed, and how they are used to save many lives of the victims. The data obtained in this article is from a group of studies, social networking sites, and news on TV channels in the first period of 2020, which are collected and summarised in this article. This study summarises the role of South Korea in facing the pandemic through the application of artificial intelligence techniques to detect the disease, tracking the injured through GPS and how an intelligent quarantine is established, diagnosing and examining the damaged remotely, applying an electronic platform to publish information about how to avoid infection and the use of robots to assist diagnose disease and use drones for sterilisation purposes.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maad M. Mijwil, Abdel-Hameed Al-Mistarehi, Karan Aggarwal

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