Sports to Improve Education in Brazil from the Perspective of Students


  • Antonio Jose Müller FURB - Univerisdade Regional de Blumenau



Capital of the Body, Sport at school, Academic motivation, Social Inclusion Sport in Society, Education and sport.


In many countries around the world, school is considered an essential factor for the development of children, young people, citizens and the country as a whole. However, in developing countries such as Brazil, the number of dropouts is very high. Many issues contribute to this reality: from student malnutrition and persistent social stratification to inadequate links between the school and the students' outside environment. Sport is a cultural expression that most people appreciate and it could best be used as a motivating tool for keeping students in schools. From this, this research aims to understand how sport can play its role in the effective contribution of promoting social inclusion and academic motivation. Participated in the exploratory qualitative study 14 male and female students from two schools, one public and one private, high school, through the use of structured interviews seeking to identify how the sport was established in relation to academic motivation and social inclusion in lives of these students.

Author Biography

Antonio Jose Müller, FURB - Univerisdade Regional de Blumenau

Professor de graduação e pós-graduação em educação e educação física. doutor em educação pela universidade do texas em el paso


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How to Cite

Müller, A. J. (2019). Sports to Improve Education in Brazil from the Perspective of Students. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(6).