Adaptive Strategy used by Jaranan Art to Accommodate Local Tourism Development Program (Barthesian Semiotic Review on Jaranan Art “Sela Kencana” in Kediri City)


  • M. Syahrul Ulum Universty of Brawijaya
  • Sanggar Kanto Univrsity of Brawijaya
  • Anif Fatma Chawa University of Brawijaya


adaptive strategy, Barthesian semiotic, Jaranan Art Sela Kencana, co-modification


Jaranan Art is a dance art that has lived and developed throughout generations in Kediri City. It uses trance (ndadi) as its distinctive marker. Jaranan Art Sela Kencana is one of the prominent groups. In this recent local government era, traditional art is forced to follow local government policy. Research is aimed to understand adaptive strategy used by Jaranan Art Sela Kencana in effort to accommodate local tourism development program. Analytical framework is Barthesian semiotic review. Result of research indicates that the sense of existence is the final output of adaptive, conflict, and accommodative strategies used Jaranan Art Sela Kencana in attending with local tourism development program. Subsequent development, concerning with culture art co-modification, has led Jaranan Art to transform from being a tradition with high culture into that with pop culture that is easily understandable and satisfying to old persons, adults and even children. Pop culture also does not bother consumers or organizers to take a long thinking because some circumventing rituals are no longer needed.


Author Biographies

Sanggar Kanto, Univrsity of Brawijaya


Anif Fatma Chawa, University of Brawijaya



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How to Cite

Ulum, M. S., Kanto, S., & Chawa, A. F. (2016). Adaptive Strategy used by Jaranan Art to Accommodate Local Tourism Development Program (Barthesian Semiotic Review on Jaranan Art “Sela Kencana” in Kediri City). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from




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