The Learning Challenges and Pedagogical Perspective in a Complex Education System


  • J. Abah University of Namibia
  • P. Mashebe University of Namibia
  • D. D. Denuga University of Namibia


Complex education system, Effective teaching, Learning style, Teaching-learning outcome


It has become obvious that among the most difficult problems faced by the educational system today are those associated with teaching-learning effectiveness. It is widely argued that these current educational systems, structures and practices are not sufficient to address and support the learning needs of all students in the 21st century. The rapid changes and increased complexity of today’s world present new challenges and put new demands on the teaching-learning goals. Generally, there has been growing awareness of the necessity to change and improve the preparation of students for productive functioning in the continually changing and demanding society. In confronting this challenge, it is necessary to consider the complexity of the educational system itself and the multitude of problems that must be addressed. We must recognize that no single or uniform approach can be applied to completely overcome the challenges facing the expected outcome of the teaching-learning goals. Consequently, any strategy for change must contend with the diverse factors affecting our educational systems, the interactions of its parts, and the intricate interdependencies within it and with its environment. This review study focused on the educational goal, key issues in the teaching perspective of education, making teaching and learning process more effective, students learning styles and preferences among others.


Author Biographies

J. Abah, University of Namibia

Department of Mathematics, Science and Sport Education


P. Mashebe, University of Namibia

Department of Mathematics, Science and Sport Education


D. D. Denuga, University of Namibia

Department of Mathematics, Science and Sport Education



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How to Cite

Abah, J., Mashebe, P., & Denuga, D. D. (2013). The Learning Challenges and Pedagogical Perspective in a Complex Education System. Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 1(5). Retrieved from