Physical Activity Level among Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong and its Relationship between Acculturation Stress, Social Support and Self-Efficacy


  • Xinlu Shen Najran University
  • Kuan-Chou Chen


physical activity level, acculturation stress, social support, self-efficacy


The main study objective was to investigate the physical activity levels among Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong and has what kind of relationship with the factors of acculturation stress, social support and self-efficacy. Data from three Hong Kong universities, Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In total, 293 Mainland Chinese students (23-28 years, 63.6% females) were recruited in this study. All participants completed the validated questionnaires. Results of this study reveal that acculturation stress and self-efficacy had positive relationship with moderate physical activity, while, social support was not direct correlation with moderate physical activity. Meanwhile, social support had a negative relationship with acculturation stress and positive correlation with self-efficacy. Results from the multi-step regression model also indicated that the social support and moderate physical activity was mediated by acculturation stress and self-efficacy. Controlling for social support, acculturation stress and self-efficacy were positively influence moderate physical activity. Findings of this study indicated the close relationship between physical activity and the three important factors when experienced a new environment. Regular physical activity helps adopting to different culture and improve confidence of self-management. The finding also illustrated the importance of regular physical activity among Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong.


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How to Cite

Physical Activity Level among Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong and its Relationship between Acculturation Stress, Social Support and Self-Efficacy. (2014). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 2(6).

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