The Role of Creativity and Social Capital in Business Performance through Competence of Business People in Culture-based Micro Enterprises in Southeast Sulawesi


  • Laode Achmad Nasir Haluoleo University
  • Laode Muhammad Harafah
  • Nasruddin Suyuti
  • Marsuki Iswandi


Creativity, Social capital, Competence of business people, Business Performance,


This study was aimed to analyze; first, The Influence of Creativity on Business Performance through Competence of businesspeople in micro enterprises in culture-based creative industry, and second; The Influence of Social Capital on Business Performance through Competence of businesspeople in micro enterprises in culture-based creative industry. The population of this research is microentrepreneurs in culture-based creative craft industry, with a total of 148 respondents. The data collection technique was survey. The collected data was analyzed integratedly using qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative data was analyzed descriptively while quantitative data was tabulated and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) partial least square (PLS) The research result showed that Creativity, which consists of Attitude, Interest, Motivation, Experience, and Social Capital, which consists of value or norm, trust, reciprocity and cooperation had positive and significant influence when mediated by competence of businesspeople to improve business performance. 


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How to Cite

Nasir, L. A., Harafah, L. M., Suyuti, N., & Iswandi, M. (2017). The Role of Creativity and Social Capital in Business Performance through Competence of Business People in Culture-based Micro Enterprises in Southeast Sulawesi. Asian Journal of Business and Management, 5(1). Retrieved from