The Ability of Natural Zeolite Toraja South Sulawesi as Absorbent Heavy Metal Copper (Cu)



zeolite South Sulawesi, water treatment model, heavy metal copper (Cu), raw water


The purpose of research is how the characterization of natural zeolite South Sulawesi and how the ability of zeolite as filter media and adsorbents to reduce heavy metals Copper (Cu) in the raw water. XRay and zeolite characterized by SEM, Zeolite cleaned washed with distilled water, dried in the open air and then activated by heating variations; 100 ºC, 200 ºC, 300 ºC, and 400 ºC. Subsequently smoothed with a 170 mesh size (3 mm), weighed weighing 50 grams, and then incorporated into the model water treatment, then test zeolite as filter media and adsorbents. Raw water injected with 5 ppm Cu is introduced into the model and then water treatment. Water test results obtained by means of AAS decrease in the concentration of each; -0.2541; -0.2902; 0.4273 and 1.4489. Model analysis is the method of Langmuir and Freudlich. Results are expected to provide new information about the characteristics of natural zeolite South Sulawesi as well as water treatment cheap models.

Author Biography

Sukmasari Antaria, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Civil Engineering


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How to Cite

Antaria, S. (2017). The Ability of Natural Zeolite Toraja South Sulawesi as Absorbent Heavy Metal Copper (Cu). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(5). Retrieved from