A Review of Land Suitability Analysis for Urban Growth by using the GIS-Based Analytic Hierarchy Process


  • Maher Milad Aburas Universiti of Putra Malaysia
  • Sabrina Ho Abullah
  • Mohammad Firuz Ramli
  • Zulfa Hanan Ash'aari


Analytic hierarchy process, land suitability analysis, urban growth, GIS.


Urban growth inevitably decreases the sustainability of land use and the ecosystem. Thus, the application of innovative techniques is urgently necessary to advance the concept of sustainable growth. In recent years, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has become one of the most significant modern techniques for land suitability analysis by using a geographic information system (GIS) and multi-criteria approach. The integration between GIS environment and AHP is a potent tool for formulating future policies that are pertinent to urban growth. This paper aims to review the GIS-based AHP as a multi-criteria analysis/evaluation technique for land suitability analysis. The general characteristics of land suitability analysis for urban growth were described, and the different criteria used in the design of this model were classified. The results of this paper confirmed that the integration between AHP and GIS tools is important to address the limitations of GIS in terms of determining the relative weights for the criteria used objectively.


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How to Cite

A Review of Land Suitability Analysis for Urban Growth by using the GIS-Based Analytic Hierarchy Process. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(6). https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/3480

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