The Schultz, Modified Schultz indices and their polynomials of the Jahangir graphs Jn,m for integer numbersn=3, m≥3


  • Mohammad Reza Farahani Department of Applied Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)
  • Rajesh Kanna
  • Wei Gao


Topological Index, Schultz Index, Schultz polynomials, Jahangir graphs J3, m.


Let G be a connected graph. The vertex-set and edge-set of G denoted by V(G) and E(G) respectively. The distance between the vertices u and v, d(u,v), in a graph is the number of edges in a shortest path connecting them.

In this study, we compute the Schultz Sc(G)=½(du+dv)d(u,v), Modified Schultz Sc*(G)=½(du×dv)d(u,v) indices and their polynomials of the Jahangir graphs Jn,m for integer numbers n=3, m≥3.


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How to Cite

The Schultz, Modified Schultz indices and their polynomials of the Jahangir graphs Jn,m for integer numbersn=3, m≥3. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(6).

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