Optimization of Function and Role of Traditional Markets in Urban Development Systems of Ketapang City


  • Batara Surya Regional and Town Planning of University 45 Makassar


Location of Traditional Market, Modes of Transportation, Behavior of Traders, and Strategic Optimization on the Functions, and Roles of Traditional Market.


This study was conducted in the suburbs of Ketapang City by analyzing the optimization of function and role of Range Sentap traditional market in Ketapang City development system. This study aimed to analyze the determinant factors influencing the optimization of function and role of Range Sentap traditional market in Ketapang. This study used mixed-methods approach using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results showed that location, modes of transportation, market coverage, and the corresponding relationships of space to downtown  and to location of sources of raw materials in the region contribute positively to the function and role of Range Sentap traditional market. The relationship of land use, in the case of function of activities is seen as an integrated system of development in Ketapang, on the existence of Range Sentap traditional market location has a positive influence on the function and role of traditional market which is not optimal in terms of the range of market areas. Strategies to optimize the role and functions of Range Sentap traditional market are performed through the expansion of the range of ​​the market, the system integration on modes of transportation, the creation of economic of scale, public policy decision making, and building regional relationship or cooperation among regions and between cities, economic development based on democratic economy, revitalization and reorganization of the market management by improving the quality of human resources, infrastructure support, and the integration of market economy system towards a system of urban activities in a sustainable manner in Ketapang City.


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How to Cite

Optimization of Function and Role of Traditional Markets in Urban Development Systems of Ketapang City. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(6). https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/3390

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