Impacts of Compost APT01 Addition to Fruit Quality of Apple Crops


  • Arief Budiono Doctorate Program on Environmental Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang. Indonesia Department of Chemical Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia
  • Suharjono, Imam Santoso, Soemarno


compost, APT01, defoliation, apple


Objective of this experimental study was determining effects of compost APT01 addition on fruit quality of apple crop. The addition of compost APT01 as much as 10 and 20 kg per tree was applied one day after defoliation. Observations were conducted during the fruit production 3 and 4 months after composting (SR3 and SR4) and at harvest (SPN). Treatment addition of compost and the same observations in period-1 and period-2. Results were analyzed variance, two-way ANOVA with interaction (α = 0.05), using Microsoft Excel 2007. The analysis showed that the addition of compost APT01 as much as 10 and 20 kg per tree increasing the production weight and the average number of fruit per tree from initially 2.38 kg (35.36 fruits) to 3.97 kg (46.08 fruits) and 4.91 kg (51.33 fruits) respectively. Furthermore, average fruit produced from 10.45 to 11.61 fruit/kg can be categorized into grade qualiity of AB.


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How to Cite

Impacts of Compost APT01 Addition to Fruit Quality of Apple Crops. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(6).