Modernization in the Development of a Town and Community Based Management Strategy of Slum Areas (A Case Study: Urban Slum Areas of Sangatta, East Kutai Regency)


  • Batara Surya Regional and Town Planning of University 45 Makassar


Land Use Transformation, Modernization of Development, Changes in the Use of Space, Space Reproduction, and Management Strategies of Urban Slum Area


This article aims to analyze the modernization of urban development and community-based management strategies of slum areas. Modernization of urban areasinSangatta through the construction and development of new functions contribute positively to the process of urbanization and social changes. The development acceleration inSangattais characterized by a dualistic economy through the dominance of urban space by capitalist reproduction, conditioning marginalization and poverty because of non-optimal spatial articulation. This article used quantitative and qualitative approaches (mixed methods). The data wereobtained through observation, documentation, and surveys using questionnaireson several respondents of Sangatta urban population. Modernization of development is parallel to changes in space utilization of Sangatta urban areas, conditioning the development of slum areas, urban poverty, and marginalized communities, because of helplessness and lack of access of the society on space reproduction resources and adaptation on the function of urban space in Sangatta.


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How to Cite

Modernization in the Development of a Town and Community Based Management Strategy of Slum Areas (A Case Study: Urban Slum Areas of Sangatta, East Kutai Regency). (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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