Topographic, Refractive and High Order Coma Aberration Changes after Successful Ptosis Surgery in Egyptian Infantile to Adolescent Ptosis Patients


  • Tarek Saleh
  • Tamer Adel Refai Assisstant Professor


Ptosis Surgery, Topography-Refractive-High order coma


Objective:To study the effects of successful ptosis surgery on cornealtopography,astigmatism and high order coma aberration in Egyptian infantile toadolescent patients with stable ptosis.Methods: 18 eyes of 12 egyptian patientsin the infantile to adolescent age groups ( age ranged from 4-21 years ;mean13±7.64 years) with various degrees of ptosis underwent successful ptosissurgery. Computed corneal topography, refraction and high order coma aberrationwere studied before surgery and then at 3 month postoperatively. For eachstudied item ,mean value,standard deviation,minimum and maximum values werecalculated by statistical analysis by SPSS. Comparison (T-test) and Pearsoncorrelation tests were also done. The effects of degree of ptosis on theresults was also studied.Results: The steepest Sim K1 decreased by a mean valueof 0.07±0.39D and the average K value decreased by a mean value of 0.01±0.28Dat 3 month postoperatively . The mean value of the Sphere changed from-2.11±1.94D preoperatively to -2.23±1.71D 3 month postoperatively with t-testdenoting a non significant change (P>0.05). The Cylinder decreased by a meanvalue of -0.25±0.78D at 3 month postoperatively .A statistically significantcorrelation (p<0.05) existed between the postoperative decrease in cylinderand the postoperative reduction in the steepest K1 readings. The high order Amongthe study aberration decreased by a mean value of -0.001±0.050µ at 3 monthpostoperatively which was significantly correlated(p<0.05)  with the postoperative reduction in thecylinder. Similarly,a highly significant correlation (p<0.01) existedbetween the postoperative reduction in the high order coma the degree of ptosisbefore the surgery.Conclusions:  Followingsuccessful ptosis surgery ,astigmatism decreases by a mean value of -0.25±0.78Dwhich was significantly correlated with reduction of the high order comaaberration .Similarly,the degree of preoperative ptosis significantly affectsthe postoperative reduction in the high order coma aberration.Therefore,patients undergoing surgical correction of ptosis, may haveimprovement in their visual quality as well as uncorrected visual acuity aftertheir successful ptosis correction.Keywords:PtosisSurgery,Topography-Refractive-High order coma

Author Biography

  • Tamer Adel Refai, Assisstant Professor
    Research Institute of Ophthalmology-Giza-EgyptAssissant Professor Of Ophhalmology


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How to Cite

Topographic, Refractive and High Order Coma Aberration Changes after Successful Ptosis Surgery in Egyptian Infantile to Adolescent Ptosis Patients. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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