Development of Paddy Field Module for Analysis Water Yield by using SWAT Program


  • Eri Stiyanto Bogor Agriculture University


SWAT, model development, watershed, paddy field, water yield, water balance


SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT in Asia, especially in Indonesia, where water management for rice crop is different within America, the existing modules in SWAT  needs to be adapted to the condition watering  paddy field. This research aims to develop modules rice crop that  accordance with the management of paddy fields in Indonesia. It developed by making modifications to module pothole from source code  in SWAT program. Module testing is carried out on sub – upper watershed  Cisadane. For evaluating the results of developing a module is seen from the grade of determination (R2) and the Nash-Sutcliffe of efficiency (NSE) based on the comparison discharge results  simulation with observation and analyze the effect of modifications toward water balance on paddy fields. Based on the results of initial simulation shows the value that was satisfactory with a reduction in discharge simulation, influence algorithm module to paddy totaling 1,37%, after going through the process of calibration and validation of the results of the model grades more satisfactory, with grades R2 0.72 and NSE 0.71 for daily period and R2 0.70, NSE 0.63 for monthly periods.


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How to Cite

Development of Paddy Field Module for Analysis Water Yield by using SWAT Program. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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