Trend Analysis of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in the City of Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia using Landsat


  • Rosmini Maru Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Ichsan Invanni Baharuddin
  • Sulaiman Zhiddiq
  • Amal Arfan, Bayudin


Urban Heat Island, Landsat, Makassar


An increase in temperature, in urban areas is a phenomenon which is not uncommon for people in the world, especially for urban communities. Phenomenon is the increase in temperature in the city is one of the micro climate change phenomenon commonly referred to as the urban heat island (UHI). It can be felt is the case the temperature difference between the center, edge and outside the city. Higher temperatures in the city center as a result of the density of the buildings, green areas is reduced, and the high anthropogenic activity in urban centers. This phenomenon also occurs in various major cities in Indonesia including Makassar. This research attempts to provide an overview of the distribution centers of the heat in Makassar using Landsat satellite image 10. The results show the relationship between the distribution of land use with temperatures in the study area. In general, high temperatures occur in residential areas, shopping centers, and office buildings. Meanwhile, a low temperature occurs in green areas, or areas of the building rarely. It is expected to be the initial information in terms of addressing a wide range of urban problems, especially the problem of increasing temperature, which has led to a level of comfort of living in the city on the wane.


Author Biography

  • Rosmini Maru, Universitas Negeri Makassar


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How to Cite

Trend Analysis of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in the City of Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia using Landsat. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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