Reflectance Characteristic of Mangrove Species using Spectroradiometer HR-1024 in Suppa Coast, Pinrang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


  • Amal Arfan
  • M. E. Toriman
  • Rosmini Maru
  • Sukri Nyompa, Uca


Reflectance, species of mangrove, visible light, near infrared (NIR), Spectroradiometer HR 1024


This study was conducted in coastal Suppa, Pinrang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Objectives of the study is to know the reflectance of mangrove species the spectrum of visible light the wavelength region of 400-700 nm and near infrared (NIR) (700-900 nm). Four species of mangrove is Avicennia marina, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata and Sonneratia alba. Reflectance values are obtained by using a Spectroradiometer HR-1024. In the region of the visible light spectrum the blue wavelengths (400-500 nm), green (500-600 nm) and red (600-700 nm) showed that the highest reflectance value indicated by Rhizophora apiculata with each reflectance value respectively 5.42 %, 15.29 %, and 16.25 %. Meanwhile the value of reflectance the NIR wavelength region (700-900 nm), which is the highest indicated by Rhizophora mucronata with a reflectance value of 85.67%. Understanding karakterisitk reflectance various species of mangrove are very important in order to manage the mangrove ecosystem.



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How to Cite

Reflectance Characteristic of Mangrove Species using Spectroradiometer HR-1024 in Suppa Coast, Pinrang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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