The Influence of Noise, Workers Age and Working Period to Occupational Stress


  • Septy Amorrinda Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia
  • Ratna Setyaningrum Safety and Health Occupational Department Public Health Study Programme Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University (Banjarmasin, Indonesia)
  • Fauzie Rahman Administration and Health Policy-Health Promotion Department Public Health Study Programme Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University (Banjarmasin, Indonesia)


noise, workers age, working period, work stress


Perkebunan Nusantara (XIII PMS Pelaihari Company Tanah Laut Regency is one of the State-Owned Enterprises in the processing of palm oil. This work process using noise machines which exceed the Threshold Limit Values and it causes workers get headaches, easy to get accident and some problem in indigestion. This study aims to describe the influence of noise, workers age and working period to occupational stress among processing section workers. This is an observational analytic study by cross-sectional approach. Sampling technique used purposive sampling as many as 36 people. Instrument of this study used Sound Level Meter and questionnaire. Independent variables were noise, workers age and working period, while the dependent variable was level of occupational stress. The result of research show 21 respondents (58.3%) work in the environment which exceed the TLV (> 85 dB), most of workers have younger age (20-35 years) about 32 respondents (88,9%), most of workers had working more than 2years is about 31 respondents (86,1%) and 19 respondents (52.8%) have  moderate stress. Based on the analysis of Spearman test with 95% confidence level show that there is a significant influence of noise (p= 0.000) on the level of occupational stress. In contras, there is no significant influence between workers age (p= 0.348) and working period (p= 0.408) on the level of occupational stress. Processing section workers expected to make efforts to reduce noise exposure and handling work stress using personal protective equipment.


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How to Cite

The Influence of Noise, Workers Age and Working Period to Occupational Stress. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(3).

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