Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Electronic Document Management Systems


  • Haider A. A.
  • Aryati B.
  • Mahadi B.


electronic document management system, electronic government, content management, document


Information communication technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way we work, play and learn. Traditional methods and approaches of communication, media, information processing and dissemination are being challenged in every facet of life. This has led to the emergence of new ways of governance known as electronic government or simply put e-Government. E-Government services require electronic document management systems (EDMS), which is akin to the bloodstream of e-Government. EDMS is one such tool powered by ICT and utilized by e-Government implementations for managing valuable information resources from documents in any government or business setting. This paper reviews the concept of current electronic document management systems with opportunities and challenges of EDMS.


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How to Cite

A., H. A., B., A., & B., M. (2015). Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Electronic Document Management Systems. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(1). Retrieved from https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/2239