Influence of addition of Seeds in the texture and sensory characteristics in traditional and light cereal bars


  • Flavia Maria Vasques Farinazzi Machado Faculty of Food Technology of Marilia (FATEC) Av. Castro Alves, 62, Marilia 17506-000, SP, Brazil
  • Daiana Carla Abreu Silva
  • Luane da Graça Castro de Amdrade


Cereal, texture, chia, sensory analysis.


Cereal bars are considered promising for being practical and portable, and allow the addition of beneficial compounds such as diet fibers. The aim of this study was to elaborate cereal bars added pumpkin, chia and sesame seeds, and submit them to physical, chemical and sensory analysis. Two cereal bars were elaborated, traditional and light, submitted to both centesimal composition and sensory analysis. Texture measurement and water activity analysis were also carried out on 0, 20 and 45 storage days. A reduction of 32.82% on the energetic value of the light cereal bar was observed when compared to the traditional, and a 62.58% reduction on the amount of carbohydrates. Both traditional and light bars presented a high level of total fibers (3.97g and 3.88g/100g, respectively) and, both, 12.96/100g of lipids. During the storage period, there was an increase of cutting force in the traditional bars, and this same force reduction in the light ones, though not statistically. The results of the sensory analysis revealed that the scores for appearance, color, texture, aroma, flavor and global impression ranged between 6.0 and 8.0, and both texture and flavor attributes showed significant differences between the evaluated products, and light cereal bar presented larger notes.


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How to Cite

Influence of addition of Seeds in the texture and sensory characteristics in traditional and light cereal bars. (2016). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 4(6).

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