Analysis of the Inventories on the Impact of Mentoring Students’ Attitude and Interest in Mathematics




Inventories, Impact, Students’, Attitude, Interest, Mathematics


Students’ interest and attitude towards Mathematics have been factors that influence students’ achievement in Mathematics. The purpose of this study is to analyze the inventories on the students’ interest and attitude towards Mathematics and find out if mentoring the students has made any impact on the students. Fourteen and fifteen students of the weak group participated in attitude and interest inventories, respectively. Questionnaires were administered to find out their attitudes towards, and interest in, Mathematics. The students answered questions regarding their personal confidence in, and perceived usefulness of Mathematics. The t-tests show that there were statistically significant differences in both attitude and interest from the pre to the post survey. Also, the interview results showed that the students realised the importance of Mathematics and would gain more should they take the study of Mathematics more seriously. This implies that the mentoring exercise imparted positively on the students. It is recommended, among others, that Mentors and mentees should put more effort towards achieving higher percentage of success if not hundred percent. Mentoring should be broad based so that successful people in all works of life will be invited to mentor the students.


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How to Cite

Ihedioha, S. A. (2014). Analysis of the Inventories on the Impact of Mentoring Students’ Attitude and Interest in Mathematics. Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 2(1). Retrieved from